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Tips for exercising safely without disturbing your health. Certainly the assumption of each person usually considers the exercise will make them healthier and away from the disease. is true if the exercise is done safely. Safe as used here is not only silent with few simple movements, As only the lifting and lowering his hand. Safe is intended to adjust to the condition of your body while doing sports activities

make the body healthy

Monday, December 26, 2011

Exercise can make the body healthy and also Pain
Tips for exercising safely without disturbing your health.
Surely someone lay assumption is usually regarded with exercise will make them healthier and farthest from the name of the disease. Actually, assuming it is true when exercise is done safely. Safe as used here is not only silent with few simple movements. As only the lifting and lowering his hand. Safe is intended to adjust to the condition of your body while doing the activity. A trivial example, when you're biking down hill you should be wearing body armor. Surely when your body falls, your body is not ready to face the condition of a case that, so safety will receive first.
In other cases, a person who forced himself to do sports activities outside the limits of his ability to actually be harmful. After depleting the energy in his body will be difficult for him untuh move. Cases like this are common and the most frequent result is fainting or cramping in certain areas. The most difficult is when they are too exhausted to the heart that person can exhale his last breath on the spot.
One more thing to note is the injury during exercise. Injuries that often arises is the strains, sprains, cramps, joint dislocation, or fracture (broken bone). Among these injuries, fractures that have the most impact. In addition to healing that takes a long time, well after healing of the bone position may not be perfect. Resulting in disability.
But the sport is something we must do to maintain our health. Just how we can know the right time and right movement during sports activities. Here are some ways to exercise does not make you sick
1. Understand the condition of your body. Whether ready or not used to exercising.
2. Wear appropriate equipment to the exercise you do.
3. Always warm up before starting the activity.
4. Avoid movements that hurt you or your colleagues.
5. Stop for a rest when feeling tired already.
6. Avoid food and beverages that can disrupt the body's condition after activity
7. Always pray to God every moment.
8. Completed
May be useful for you ,,,,, good luck


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