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Tips for exercising safely without disturbing your health. Certainly the assumption of each person usually considers the exercise will make them healthier and away from the disease. is true if the exercise is done safely. Safe as used here is not only silent with few simple movements, As only the lifting and lowering his hand. Safe is intended to adjust to the condition of your body while doing sports activities

Basic Settings Match Nutrition

Friday, December 16, 2011

Basic Settings Match Nutrition

Effect of various foods on the performance of athletes has been widely known, but its application in the field are still often wrong. For example, a new athlete feels ready to compete if it has been eating the "panacea" (raw eggs, milk, and honey) before the match, which would prejudice the physiologically. Milk for example, has a high content of fat so it can be processed to produce energy, as well as honey Accordingly, although composed of simple carbohydrates. However, the nature of hypertonic (concentrated) will cause a rebound resulting hipoglekimia insulin (low blood sugar).
Armed with this theory is a boxer or wrestler who are in need of strength and muscle mass, are required to take dozens and dozens of eggs or some chicken meat in the tail hariannyadengan menu adds physical strength goals.
Leibig theories are now widely refuted by experts. For example, Chitenden study concluded that workers who gain weight eating enough calories, stay healthy just by intake of 50-60 grams of protein / day.
Likewise Pettenhover and Voit research that shows that the combustion of protein in the practice time is not higher than at rest, also after glycogen reserves depleted, whereas when exercise is continued then the nitrogen excretion did not get the meaning.
Thus, assuming a diet high in protein will increase muscle mass and improve performance is not appropriate. In fact, according to nutrition experts, eating high-protein meal in addition to practice and compete at the expense of the protein is not material because the energy source ready-made meals. Protein metabolism actually increases bile that should not be necessary. However, in reality there are still many field practices based solely on dietary habits and personal experience without the support of scientific truth.
Practice the wrong diet as described above does not only occur in developing countries, but also developed countries. As research conducted by Bentivegna of 75 coaches and athletic trainers, the results showed 51% believed that a diet high in protein will menungkatkan muscle mass and improve the appearance.
To obtain optimal sports performance outcomes, should be made in setting food matches, including arrangement eat before competing, while playing and after playing.


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